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April Club Meeting – Hand carving Opals

Spring 2025 Auction Photos and listing

Spring Auction April 12th

Save the Date – Wonders of the Earth 2025
Focus on your specific interest through one of the Club's Study Groups

Mineral Study Group
Learn about mineral properties, groups of minerals and their uses in everyday life. Meetings take place on the 2nd Saturday of each month at the U of T Scarborough campus. Enjoy a lecture, examination of specimens that have been brought in (often using University supplied microscopes) and crystal models.

Lapidary Group
The Club hosts 4 or 5 courses per year ranging from lapidary 101 for members who have never cut a stone up to advanced classes for members with suitable experience. You will learn the safe operation and handling of lapidary equipment, cutting and polishing techniques and the safe operation of diamond saws. The Club provides all powered equipment and raw materials.

Meteorite Interest Group
Several informal meetings are held throughout the year at various locations. The goal is to study and collect meteorites. The group's activities have included trips to museums and universities, lectures and visits to the homes of meteorite dealers.

Field Trips
Field Trips are open to Gem and Mineral of Scarborough Members 16 years of age and older. The club and affiliated groups organize several mineral or fossil collecting trips from April to June. Volunteers interested in joining the Field Trip Committee to help organize collecting trips are always welcome! Find out more.

Workshops on various other subjects, such as wire working and soapstone carving are held throughout the year. Come to a Club meeting or read more in StrataData for upcoming events.

Gemmology Study Group
Meetings feature lectures, examination of specimens brought in by the group and lively discussions on either a particular gem or a group of gems (eg. blue stones). The meetings are hosted by a trained gemologist and take place on the 3rd Thursday of the month.