Our Annual Potluck Picnic By Dick Stata

The Scarborough Mineral Club held it’s annual Potluck on Saturday, held this year at the Bambury Community Recreation Centre, excellent accommodations for our event.
Russell and Karen were selling minerals left to the club by Melita, there were some surprisingly, interesting specimens for sale, Calvin bought a chunk of white Quartz, didn’t look that exciting, until he showed everyone the small stringers of Gold in it. There was even some Lapidary rough and I bought several pieces. Calvin had some door prizes and as usual he didn’t let me win.
The tables of tasty and diverse food choices was enjoyed by everyone in attendance. I hate to say this but I usually over indulge at Potlucks, and suffer for it afterwards, but this time I ate a goodly sized portion and suffered no indigestion at all. So my thanks go out to all the ladies and gents that brought in all those delectable morsels, that I know everyone enjoyed. Several of the Crafty ladies did some bead work, but mostly it was just a good old gab fest, there is a certain camaraderie enjoyed by people that have similar interests and I always enjoy, shooting the breeze, in such a relaxed atmosphere.

I have to thank the members of the executive who went to great lengths to get the potluck up and running. It requires diligent work, setting up and planning this event, it was just too bad most of the club members decided to be else where. I know it was the first warm sunny rain free Saturday that we have had in quite awhile, so you have an excuse, but the 30 or so that did attend, really enjoyed the day, To all those club members that missed a fun club event, have a good summer, If I don’t see you out collecting or at a show, see you at the September meeting.