Get Ready for Our Annual Auction: March 7th 2018 – beginning at 7:00 pm
Our March auction is fast approaching and we do hope you have put some money aside so you can successfully bid on that mineral you have always wanted. The time to enter items for the auction is now closed and we are at the limit of the number of items that we go with.
` Russ Bruce Auction Chair
Crocoite Adelaide Mine Tasmania , Australia
Amethyst (Spirit Quartz) Boekenhouthoek South Africa
Here are pictures of most of the items that will be offered for sale; you may access them by clicking here (be sure to click on a picture in Chris’s flickr page and followthe slide show )
And here is a short list of what you will have a chance to bid on:
Slab of Native Copper from Michigan
An antique Microscope built in the 30s
Tray of 100 micro mounts
Serpentine Feng Shui Dragon Ball
2 Calcite (Onyx) carved Elephants
Calcite (Onyx) carved Whale
Herkimer diamonds
Petrified Africa
A number of minerals that are Fluorescent
A piece of Rhodonite with a polished face
A piece of polished Mookaite
Opals – Tumble polished, rough and a heart shaped Fire Opal Pendant