February 1st in person and online Through the use of images plus samples of rocks, fossils and minerals, Beth Gilhespy will take us on a journey t
Read MoreJanuary 4th at Knox United Church Meeting Hall Because we still DO NOT have a Program Director*, our Newsletter Editor, David Bellamy has stepped
Read MoreOde To Orange Thank-you for all those who came to our Wonders of the Earth Gem and Mineral Show! We really were glad to see you all come out and w
Read MoreOur speeker for June's meeting will be Dr. Jean-Bernard Caron. He is the Curator of Invertebrate Palaeontology at the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) in T
Read MoreMeeting is May 4 starting at 8 pm, in-person and online The topic of this month’s presentation is “Cameos and Other Carvings in Jewellery” by club
Read MoreApril 6th Meeting – In Person & Online Starting at 8:00pm TotBlocks are a series of 3D-printed modules that can be used to construct the cryst
Read MoreHi! My name is Abygail, I'm a student photographer working on my final project which is about personal collections. I am so intrigued by this clu
Read MoreWe had hoped to have a hybrid meeting on January 5th at 8pm but with the numbers and our speaker unable to come to the hall personally we will be ret
Read MoreDecember meeting will once again be our Holiday meeting, with socially distant socializing. So if you’re comfortable, please come out and join us! T
Read MoreIt is with a heavy heart that we are announcing the cancellation of the 2021 Wonders of the World in September. We feel with the slow roll-out of the
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